
sushi, ice cream and laughter


It was a lovely evening, with some of the best sushi I have ever had, laughing so hard that my face hurt and drinks and fun with friends after. All in all, a succesful night.

This was actually the first time me and the viking went on a date outside of the house. Normally we just stay in, watch a movie and cook dinner together. So last night was a fun change. The fact that the atmosphere at the restaurant was fresh and cute, the service was quick and the food was to die for all contributed to an amazing experience.

The chopstick eating was a little challenging at first, but I had it mastered pretty quickly, if I do say so myself. I'm not that good with the bigger types of sushi, but neither was the viking. So I didn't make a complete fool out of myself.

The viking doesn't eat dessert, so I felt a little silly eating two scoops of ice cream by myself. But it was worth it. Black sesame and vanilla is my new favorite combination. What a lovely flavor!

I'm really happy I went to this restaurant, and I'm surely going back for more another time. So if you ever happen to be in Apeldoorn, give Yume Sushi&Grill a try. It's a treat!


  1. Anonymous15/2/12 14:53

    missing a picture of the lovely couple!

    1. I totally agree! Who is charming viking prince?
      I sounds like a perrrfect evening!


    2. Sadly I have not yet managed to convince the viking that me taking a picture of us is a good idea. All I have is a picture of my hand in his super large hand.
