
The New Skincare Additions

Mario Badescu Enzyme Cleansing Gel PAI Rosehip Oil

Mario Badescu Enzyme Cleansing Gel PAI Rosehip Oil 2

I've been keeping the makeup buying on the down-low, as weird as that might seem for a beauty blogger. But after a good cleaning out of my makeup collection I have come to a shocking conclusion. I think I have enough. Admittedly, the same could probably apply to my skincare stash, but I'm still grasping for that seemingly mythical 'perfect skin'.

The latest two purchases were really influenced by other beauty bloggers. The Mario Badescu Enzyme Cleansing Gel was heavily influenced by the praising words of Sophie from Private Life Of A Girl, who has mentioned it a couple of times on her blog. I haven't tried it yet, but I definitely will tonight. I'll be reporting back as soon as possible with a full review.

About two weeks ago Kate from Gh0stparties wrote a detailed review about all the wondrous things the Pai Rosehip BioRegenerate Oil had done for her skin and right after finishing the article I immediately went over to Beautybay to add my very own to my shopping bag. This stuff supposedly restores balance to the skin, fades scars and marks and even clears up spots. An oil that clears up spots? Count me in for that one.

Since I've only been using the oil for about three days I can't pass any judgement at the moment, that simply woudn't be a very good review. So expect a report back after I have given it a fair trial period. But for now I'm going to sign off with the links to where you can get these seemingly amazing skincare products. The Mario Badescu Enzyme Cleansing Gel can be found here and Pai Skincare Rosehip BioRegenerate Fruit & Seed Oil Blend is right here.


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